Our work in PIVOT, Patient Experience, Culture of Safety, Quality, Diversity, Respect & Inclusion, and Financial Performance are all critical initiatives underway at Main Line Health, and they each help us achieve a specific portion of our overall goals as outlined in our Strategic Plan. PE2020 will serve as the uniting force—the nucleus—of these parallel efforts, connecting and informing each of these projects through systemwide standards and metrics. Using the Institute of Medicine’s STEEEP principles for health care (safe, timely, efficient, effective, equitable, patient-centered), we will ensure our PE2020 work is systematic and sustainable.

Future state: To ensure Main Line Health is the best place to give and receive care by delivering a STEEEP experience every time, everywhere for everyone across Main Line Health by 2020.

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Inspiring excellence through systemwide thinking.
We want to hear from you. Let us know about ideas and opportunities that will help us in our efforts to achieve our PE2020 goals.


Please complete the following form to submit your STEEEP idea.
Note: All fields are required.


Meet the team

This section is under development, but the following slide gives some information on how MLH and Navigant are partnering together in PE2020.

PE2020 Org Chart


News – April 12, 2018: System Clinical Advisories Launch
The Clinical Transformation Workstream is focused on standardizing care by using evidence-based practices to improve quality and safety, eliminate disparities in care, reduce wasteful or potentially harmful clinical care variation, and improve efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Each of our PE2020 Clinical Workstream projects will be developing a System Clinical Advisory (SCA), a tool that will define the goals of the initiative and serve as a resource to help clinicians achieve these goals by identifying clinical interventions that should be performed consistently across the campuses.

These documents are being created using supporting scientific evidence with input from key Main Line Health clinical leadership from all campuses. The SCAs are not a prescription for every clinician or every patient, and they do not replace clinical judgment.

Several System Clinical Advisories have already been developed and are being distributed and deployed across the system. They include:
These SCAs will soon be located on the intranet so they can be used as references and be easily accessed by clinicians and staff at any time.

News – October 25, 2017: PE2020 pulse
Back in August, we asked our campus leadership teams to participate in a STEEEP brainstorm. Featured in this month’s PE2020 Pulse Newsletter are some of the top themes and opportunities identified by our teams across the System as a result of our STEEEP brainstorm sessions.
News – September 15, 2017: PE2020 pulse
In this issue: Hear from CFO Mike Buongiorno on Medicare Breakeven and see how other departments around the system are implementing the STEEEP huddle.
News – August 9, 2017: PE2020 pulse
In this issue: A special message from Barbara Wadsworth, Workstream updates and Inspiring Excellence through Systemwide Thinking.
News – July 10, 2017: PE2020 pulse
We are excited to introduce PE2020 pulse—a monthly update to our employees and medical staff with news and insights as we advance our Performance Excellence 2020 work across Main Line Health.
News – June 26, 2017: PE2020 Milestone: MAAPE site visit and assessment
As part of our Performance Excellence 2020 (PE2020) work, we are using what is known as the Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework to help us embed high-reliability practices across Main Line Health. The world-renowned Baldrige Framework is based on core values and concepts that represent beliefs and behaviors found in high-performing organizations. Baldrige provides an organized approach to decision-making, communication and deployment of work with measurable outcomes.

In addition, be sure to read a few of our favorite/typical site visit walk around questions as we prepare for our MAAPE site visit and assessment (PDF).
News – January 05, 2017: Ringing in Performance Excellence in 2017
Welcome to 2017. I hope each of you enjoyed a holiday season filled with love and laughter. A special thanks to all of you who were working over the holidays. As we enter the New Year, we have a lot to be thankful for at Main Line Health. Most importantly, we have a nationally recognized team—heralded last year by Forbes, the Advisory Board, and the Philadelphia Business Journal for high staff engagement, clinical excellence, and a commitment to creating a safe and respectful environment for each other and all those who come to us for care.
PE2020 Resource: Leadership Toolkit
The project management office and quality team have collaborated on the development of standardized meeting tools. These tools can be utilized to make meetings as efficient as possible and ground our work so that we’re striving to meet our PE2020 goals.
  • Project Charter - establishes a partnership between performing and requesting groups within an organization – so that a specific scope of work can be accomplished. The approved Project Charter formally initiates the project. Download.
  • Principals of Engagement – internal standards that define how we conduct ourselves. Download.
  • Leadership Resource Toolkit – including a Framework for Strategy Development and Project Implementation, Meeting Agenda and Minutes Template, and an A3 tool. Download | A3 tool Download | Meeting Agenda and Minutes Tool Download


Performance Excellence 2020 (PE2020) relies on the Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework to streamline and standardize our work processes in every area across Main Line Health. Our ultimate goal is to create a high reliability and high performing organization focused on safety and financial responsibility.

Our work in PIVOT, Patient Experience, Culture of Safety, Quality, Diversity, Respect & Inclusion and Financial Performance are all critical initiatives underway at Main Line Health, and they each help us achieve a specific portion of our overall goals as outlined in our Strategic Plan. PE 2020 will serve as the uniting force—the nucleus—of these parallel efforts, connecting and informing each of these projects through systemwide standards and metrics. Using the Institute of Medicine’s STEEEP principles for health care (safe, timely, efficient, effective, equitable, patient-centered), we will ensure our PE 2020 work is systematic and sustainable.

You are correct: both PIVOT and Performance Excellence 2020 (PE2020) are two efforts that will transform the way we work at MLH. The PIVOT project includes all the work that is being done—in every clinical area, patient registration and finance—to implement Epic as our single electronic health record platform across all of Main Line Health. When Epic launches on March 3, 2018, it will transform the way we perform our work in the clinical space, patient billing and the revenue cycle. As a result, each of us will benefit from enhanced connectivity and a central repository of information and clinical processes, with the patient at the center.

However, we have significant opportunities to enhance our efforts in eliminating preventable harm, to increase focus on achieving top decile performance in our key metrics, to lower our costs by working smarter and to improve the experience we create for our patients and colleagues. Our attention to performance improvement in these areas can’t wait for the launch of PIVOT, powered by Epic, in 13 months. This is work we must begin now—and this is why we launched Performance Excellence 2020.

The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program was established by the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act of 1987. The program is named for Malcolm Baldrige, who served as United States Secretary of Commerceduring the Reagan administration, from 1981 until Baldrige’s death in 1987. In 2010, the program's name was changed to the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program to reflect the evolution of the quality fieldfrom a focus on the product, service, and customer to a broader, strategic focus on overall organizational quality—called performance excellence.

The Baldridge leadership framework provides an organized approach to decision-making, communication and deployment of work with measurable outcomes. This framework will help MLH standardize and take a consistentand streamlined approach to our future work.

The success of Performance Excellence 2020 requires the engagement and participation of each member of the Main Line Health team. The work involved is a multi-year transformational endeavor.

Ultimately, across the System, we will all share the same visual metrics of success (e.g., dashboards, scorecards) to help standardize our efforts, allowing each of us to work to our fullest capacity in creating a superior experience.

The health care industry is evolving more rapidly than ever. We will continue to experience changes in how and where we most appropriately care for patients, how we are reimbursed, and how patient expectations continue to heighten as a result of consumerism. PE 2020 sets the bar for what is expected of each of us at MLH as caregivers, colleagues and ambassadors for wellness, in order to continue our mission as the health care provider of choice for the communities we serve.

One of the keys to success in Performance Excellence is remaining patient-focused and consumer-centric, which demands keeping pace with a competitive marketplace as well as the changing community expectations and advanced care. Core to our mission isreinvesting in the communities we serve, now seen in our steps to provide state-of-the-art operating rooms and Maternity Unit at Bryn Mawr Hospital, and expand emergency medical care facilities at Lankenau Medical Center. We need to have the proper equipment and clinical space to deliver the safest and best care possible. Delivering on our reputation for superior care also contributes to our patient experience scores (which help determine our reimbursements). Another result: Renovating our aging infrastructure helps provide appealing working conditions, which is important in retaining and attracting the best talent.


Main Line Health’s highly effective Daily Safety Huddles have expanded as part of the Performance Excellence 2020 initiative. Each day, in the re-named STEEEP Huddles, managers throughout the system share information on how an MLH initiative supports one of the National Academy of Medicine’s STEEEP principles for health care (safe, timely, efficient, effective, equitable, patient-centered). This text is archived below. The STEEEP Huddles are intended to help employees better understand how every employee has a role in providing a superior experience for patients and colleagues to help us achieve Performance Excellence.

STEEEP Huddles are now available through MLH To Go. To view the most recent huddle and download the document, please go here. If you are not yet a registered user, you will need to use your MLH email and network password.

If you have a topic idea for a STEEEP Huddle, please email us at pe2020@mlhs.org

Glossary—adopted from the Baldrige Leadership Framework

Building Glossary Libary...

Contact Us

Questions or feedback?

Please email pe2020@mlhs.org, and a member of the project management team will get back to you promptly.

Main Line Health